We're not exactly sure who will receive the greater blessing, those we serve in Mexico or those in Mexico who serve us. We only know that because the battle has already been won, we've already gained far more than we could ever give.
A critic could point out that we are just a bunch of broken people. And they'd be right. But we invite you to watch with us and see what God does with all of the pieces when we leave it to Him to put them together.
This site is a chance for us to give our friends and families (and, yes, even critics) a glimpse of our week -- just a few of the highlights. It's also a chance for those who follow us from home to post their wishes, observations and prayers and to become, through words, a part of the wonderful Mosaico [Spanish for Mosaic] that God is fashioning from our broken lives. In truth, there are many people outside of the group traveling to Mexico who are already part of the Mosaico because of their many contributions of love, encouragement, prayers, care in raising us and generosity in providing the resources to make our travel possible. We thank you.
So come on, post away and get things started. We'll be sure and report back all the good news here in Mexico.
[We probably don't even need to point this out. But, just in case. Please note the editorial policy for this website -- This is not a place to post a harangue against God, His Son, Christianity or anyone else walking the Earth for that matter. This is meant as a celebration of what God is doing in our lives. Any posts counter to that purpose will be removed. We're sorry if something in your life has left you hurting and mad at God. If we can help, let us know. Address any inquiries to nelson_eddy@yahoo.com]
i can't wait to go
I hope that we all take our brokenness and use it to help form something beautiful to each other, the Mexicano family, and to the world. God is not interested in our beautifying ourselves. We are always beautiful to Him, even when we are shattered and broken. He just wants us to let Him clean up the mess. And to become his Mosaico.....
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